It is not in the public interest to jail people for telling the truth. Labor must end these whistleblower cases | Kieran Pender

If these brave people are punished for doing the right thing, it will cloud the Albanese government’s legacy

Two Australian whistleblowers are expected to face trial later this year for speaking up about government wrongdoing. Both cases are an injustice of the highest order. If either or both of these brave men go to jail for doing the right thing, for telling the truth, it will permanently cloud the Albanese government’s legacy.

These cases commenced under the Coalition government – the same government that oversaw raids on journalists (the ABC raid was linked to one of the whistleblowers), enacted draconian secrecy laws and failed to act on recommended reform to whistleblowing laws. But the prosecutions continue under the new Labor government.

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Law (Australia) | The Guardian