How two reporters exposed Centrelink’s robodebt injustice and gave voice to the victimised | Ten years of Guardian Australia

Christopher Knaus and Luke Henriques-Gomes look back at a Guardian Australia scoop and tell how initial shock gave way to disbelief, frustration and then – finally – vindication

Ten years of Guardian Australia’s most impactful journalismLenore Taylor: We launched in a spirit of hope and determination. We’re going from strength to strengthBirthday messages from famous faces – video

It was 2016 and in the days before Christmas, a time when the news cycle slows down. Guardian Australia reporter Chris Knaus was deep in conversation with a whistleblower.

The compliance officer from the Centrelink debt recovery team told him that a majority of the debts being pursued under the Morrison government’s new welfare crackdown were not legitimate.

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