The Berejiklian Icac investigation reveals a corruption body in sore need of reform | Trent Zimmerman

A six-month deadline on completing reports and a presumption of innocence of elected representatives will strengthen our ability to deal with corruption

Thursday’s release of Icac’s Operation Keppel report will leave many scratching their heads. The report makes serious findings including of corrupt conduct levelled against former New South Wales premier Gladys Berejiklian. But it also includes a finding that Icac is “not of the opinion that consideration should be given to obtaining the advice of the DPP with respect to the prosecution of Ms Berejiklian for any offence”, to use its words.

There is legitimate anger that this report, which changed the course of NSW history, has taken an unacceptably long time to reach its finality. These are delays that have united some of Icac’s strongest defenders in the legal profession and on both sides of politics in concern about its processes in concluding this inquiry.

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