What are Australia’s family law reforms, and how will they help women and children fleeing violence? | Zoe Rathus

‘Equal shared parental responsibility’ has been assumed to be in a child’s best interests. This is true in many cases – but in some it can be dangerous

The first four months of 2024 have brought the horror of violence against women into the news feeds of everyday Australians. Each day we have been told the appalling count of one woman murdered every four days. We have been shocked by its brutality, lethality and frequency and have rallied and called for action.

Governments have responded by making new funding announcements and promising more policing. These responses have drawn qualified praise and louder concern that they will not be enough – and have never been enough.

The safety of the child and others who have their care.

The views of the child.

Their developmental, psychological, emotional and cultural needs.

The capacity of each of the parents to provide these needs.

The benefit to the child of having a relationship each of their parents.

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Law (Australia) | The Guardian